The Coffee Odyssey of Wilder Lazo

In the heart of the San Adolfo mountains, where the air is crisp and the soil rich, a coffee maverick named Wilder Lazo embarked on a journey that would forever change the way we savor our morning brew. His story began in 2017 when he lent a hand to his father on their family farm. Little did he know that this humble act would ignite a passion that would shape his destiny.

A Distinctive Route into the Coffee Realm

Wilder didn’t merely dip his toes into the world of specialty coffee; he dove headfirst. Fueled by an unwavering love for the aromatic bean and inspired by his family’s coffee heritage, he carved a unique path. Armed with genetic expertise and an insatiable appetite for learning, Wilder kickstarted a varietal program that would set the coffee industry abuzz.

Cherry-Picked Varieties: The Essence of Gesha Spirits

Today, Gesha Spirits stands as the crown jewel of coffee. What makes it exceptional? Let’s delve into the meticulous process that transforms ordinary beans into liquid poetry:

  1. Double Fermentation: The Gesha cherries undergo a double fermentation, cocooned in anaerobic mucilage for a staggering 140 hours. This extended fermentation unlocks a floral and citric explosion—a symphony of flavors waiting to be savored.
  2. Sun-Kissed Brilliance: After fermentation, the beans bask in the sun for 18 days. But this isn’t your typical sunbathing session. Wilder infuses mandarin peel, adding zest and depth to the flavor profile. Imagine the sun weaving its magic, infusing each bean with warmth and vibrancy.
  3. Stabilization: Post-sun soak, the beans rest for 25 days. This period of stabilization allows the flavors to harmonize, like musicians tuning their instruments before a grand performance.
  4. The Grand Milling Finale: Finally, the beans are ready for their grand finale—the milling process. Precision, care, and anticipation culminate in each cup of Gesha Spirits.

From Farm to Cup: A Flavor Symphony

Gesha Spirits isn’t just coffee; it’s a sensory experience. With every sip, you taste the dedication, the artistry, and the love that went into its creation. Wilder Lazo’s varietal program, now boasting over a dozen carefully selected coffee varieties, is a testament to the fusion of tradition and innovation.

So, the next time you cradle your coffee mug, remember the journey—from the misty San Adolfo mountains to your fingertips. Gesha Spirits awaits, ready to serenade your taste buds. ☕✨

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